Tuesday, June 4, 2019

03206, Solar Storm!

Finally, another Imagic game is on the show! That's right, after a 2 year hiatus, Imagic is back with Solar Storm this episode. I hope that you enjoy it.

Coming up next is Polaris by Tigervision, yet another Yellow Submarine game. So you know what that means. If you have any thoughts on Polaris, please send them to 2600gamebygame@gmail.com by end of day Monday, May 14th.

Also, on May 8th at 4 pm EST I will be hosting a Head To Head Adventure Game Night! Click on the link below and come play with us.

Thank you so much for listening!

Head to Head Adventure Game Night, May 8th 4 pm EST, come and play!
Solar Storm on Random Terrain
Solar Storm t-shirt on eBay
Solar Storm poster on Atarimania
Dennis Koble interview by Scott Stilphen
Michael Becker interview by Scott Stilphen
Atari Handheld games on Handheld Museum
Imagic Release Order thread on Atari Age
Into The Vertical Blank podcast
No Swear Gamer 388  - Solar Storm
No Swear Gamer Solar Storm gameplay

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